Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We had a great Valentine's day weekend, packed with lots of activities and I actually managed to catch a lot of them on camera!

On Saturday morning, I was up early for work as it was my last Team In Training Saturday before I start my new job (but more about that later).  Allen and Samantha met me after the event and we headed off to celebrate Aiden Schembri's third birthday.  Aiden is the son of my friend Jen and one of the few "older men" that I will allow Sammy to hang out with.  The party was at Pump It Up in Sunnyvale and it was a lot of fun. 

Hard to tell, but Al and Sam are coming down the big slide
The jury's still out as to whether or not she liked the slide.  I'm sure that in a couple of years, we won't be able to pull her away!
She loved rolling around on the bouncy surfaces
And was looking oh-so-stylish in her new giraffe jacket!
The party was finished off with pizza and banana cupcakes and Aiden even got to sit in the birthday throne!  That Aiden really knows how to party! :)
Tuckered out after a fun afternoon!
The rest of the weekend was really busy for all of us.  On Sunday, Samantha spent the afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa Ishibashi and Allen and I went to a Valentine's day lunch at Santana Row.  We had a great time enjoying the beautiful weather and window shopping.  After Sammy went to bed, I made chocolate fondue and we watched the Olympics with Scouty and Peter.

Scout was our third wheel and spent most of the evening trying desperately to join our fondue party
She finally gave up and laid down on her extension cord pillow
Fun times on a family walk
Nothing like a good book in the morning...

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